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Artists Guidance and FAQ’s

Entry Form

The entry form should be completed online and sent with accompanying photographs and a copy of your Public Liability insurance.

Who can take part?

The Emsworth Art Trail is open to all artists and makers whose work will be displayed at their home, studio or at a venue within Emsworth. As we are a walking trail, we cannot accept any new venues not covered by our Trail map*.

* Artists from Southbourne and Westbourne who took part in recent Emsworth Arts Trail will continue to be included.

What kind of work can I exhibit?

Only your own original work may be exhibited on the Trail.


While it is preferred that artists open their own studio, workplace or home for the Trail, it is evident that not all artists have a venue suitable to invite hundreds of visitors. In this situation artists may join together in a studio or hire a suitable venue within the Trail area.

Venues: E.g. the Community Centre, Museum, Brookfield Hotel etc.

It is up to them how much they charge individuals or groups to use their venue but all individual Artists and groups using that venue during the Trail must pay to be featured in the Trail Guide (see below).

No Multiple Venues

In response to visitor feedback and to aid the promotion and organisation of the Emsworth Arts Trail, we will only accept one venue for each artist over the two weekends. No multiple venues will be accepted.


Entry Fee £80  – Every artist taking part in the Emsworth Arts Trail 2024 must be featured in the Trail Guide and pay their entry fee.

Art Groups that meet regularly in Emsworth should contact the organiser to discuss fees.

Groups must have at least one representative who attends the Emsworth Arts Trail meetings and liaises with their group, keeping them up to date and involved with all aspects of the Trail.

No refunds can be made after the final deadline.

Public Liability

Please note that neither the Emsworth Arts Trail Committee nor any committee members can accept liability for loss or damage to personal property or for personal injury sustained by members of the public while visiting venues on the Arts Trail, nor for any misprints, misrepresentations or failings by the contributors or contributing organisations. Artists must take out their own Public Liability insurance for the trail and will be asked to upload a copy of this with their entry.

We ask those artists exhibiting at home to consider the care and safety of our visitors and complete a risk assessment of your venue prior to the opening of the event. Government Covid guidelines must be adhered to.

Please read these guidelines and apply as relevant:

  • Always have a companion with you during your opening hours.
  • Tell you neighbours what is happening.  Invite them?
  • Do not leave anything valuable unattended.
  • Tidy away (out of sight) personal possessions.
  • Keep cash secure.
  • Lock or bolt access to private areas.
  • Inform your house insurer in good time.

You must make a formal risk assessment before the Trail starts.

  • Assessment may include:
    • List dangers, photograph them, take notes and remedy the situation.  This shows you are not negligent.
    • An assessment may include: Giving thoughts to potential hazards on your property, especially for children, the elderly, the disabled and animals. Steps, pools etc.
    • Studios and workshops often have hazards.  Remove sharp or dangerous implements and poisonous substances to a safe place.
    • Warn people of steep steps, low beams, passing traffic.  Put up temporary signs.
    • Display a clearly visible warning that the public enters at their own risk.
    • Ask someone to walk round your venue with stranger’s eyes. They may spot odd things, which may be a hazard that you no longer see, as they are so familiar to you.

Terms and Conditions

By registering as an artist on the Emsworth Arts Trail you are expected to help in some way, however small, and are asked to agree the following:

  • Participating artists must be over the age of 18.
  • Ensure that you have secured a venue for the Arts Trail prior to submitting your application.  Artists may use only one venue for the trail.
  • Follow the guidance for completing the application form.  Once submitted, the application is final and no further changes can be made.
  • Ensure that you have adequate Public Liability Insurance, and send a copy of the certificate with your application.
  • Pay all entry fees by the cut-off date as published on the entry form.
  • Provide a sample of work for the preview exhibition.
  • Attend the full trail meetings and read the minutes of the meetings. 
  • Read (and where required, act on) the email communications from the Trail Committee.
  • Attend the Pack Night meeting and collect your Trail Pack or send a representative.
  • Actively promote the event by distributing Trail Guides and flyers, as well as by word of mouth, your own email lists and social media presence.
  • Carry out a written risk assessment prior to opening to the public, and update this as required throughout the event.
  • Open and supervise your exhibition on the dates and times as published in the trail guide.
  • Conform to basic Health & Safety requirements in relation to access, materials, equipment and health guidelines or legislation (eg Covid).
  • Ensure that the disclaimer provided is prominently displayed.
  • Ensure that directions to your venue are prominently displayed.
  • Ensure that all signage is removed from public highways immediately after the last day of the Trail.
  • Complete the evaluation form and provide feedback on visitor numbers to enable the organisers to monitor statistics and aid future trail improvements.

Guide to Completing the Application Form

It is important to us all to ensure the trail guide, website and social media look professional, and entice visitors to the trail.  Please follow this guidance when submitting your application form.