Contact the Team
Emsworth Arts Trail Committee
Left to right: Kate L’Amie, Barbara Jones, Marian Forster, Carol Price, Sylvia Tomkinson, Julie Turner, Stuart Watson.
Photo Credit: Vince Lavender
Carol Price
Carol has acted as Chairman of the Emsworth Arts Trail since 2015. Prior to this she headed up the publicity for the Trail. Much loved by all, ‘Major Price’ brings plenty of fun and enjoyment to the trail. Her enthusiasm rubs off on everyone who encounters her.
Tel: 01243 372610
Sylvia Tomkinson
Julie Turner
Julie had a background in public relations and marketing, so uses these skills to help promote the trail in her role as Chairman of publicity. She is also responsible for the website so please get in touch if you have any questions or amendments!
Tel: 07971 989933
Marian Forster
General Committee
Apart for being a renowned and successful artist, Marian works behind the scenes to ensure the success of the trail and supports the entire committee with her experience and knowledge.