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Adam Howard


Venue: 4 Victoria Terrace, East Street, Westbourne PO10 8SF

26, 27 April & 3, 4, 5 May 2025  | 10 am – 4.00 pm

Artist’s Statement

Adam creates linocuts aiming for a watercolour look, trying to replicate the way that watercolours give the impression of captured light.

Penny McDougall

Adam Howard


Venue 4 Victoria Terrace, East Street, Westbourne, PO10 8SF

Open On 26, 27 April & 3, 4, 5 May 2025

Opening Times 10am – 4pm

Wheelchair Access No

Penny McDougall
Penny McDougall

Find me on the map!

4 Victoria Terrace East Street Westbourne PO10 8SF